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Canal Family 1
Canal Family 10
Canal Family 9
November 2025
>> Dates and Anniversaries
Not Living
Thomas Alty
Ellen Ashcroft
George H Ashcroft
Sarah Ann Barker
Robert Ainscough
Thomas Allcock
Thomas Arkwright
Mary Astin
Jane Abraham
Jane Alcock
Richard Ashcroft
William Baldwin
William Acaster
Catherine Culshaw
James Draper
Ann Fradley
Margery Abram
John Watkin Acton
James Alcock
William Baldwin
Thomas Ainscough
Jasper Parnell Alsop
Thomas Ashcroft
Betty Bates
Margaret Aspinall
Ruth Clark Barley
Douglas Barrass
Richard Bowen
Ann Allman
Robert Irlam Blackledge
Elsie Brookes
Emma Grace Burgess
Ann Abram
John Abram
Catherine Atherton
Frank Buckley
Frances Palin Alcock
Alice Baldwin
Joyce W Barnard
William Baybutt
Margery Abram
Robert Acaster
Richard Boden
Jabez Tolley
William Aspinall
Dorah Bentham
Hannah Varley Bulmer
Thomas Churchhouse
Ethel Alcock
Mary Barton
Linda Baybutt
Mary Chatterley
Thomas Baldwin
Martha Ellen Banks
Frances Julia Blythe
Joseph Brown
William Alcock
Edna Mary Baldwin
Ellen Barritt
Sarah Blower
Jacob Baker
Ann Jane Balderson
Elizabeth Baldwin
Richard Barrow
James Aaron
Joseph Alsop
Thomas Lowe
Elsie May Soames
Clare Atherton
Thomas Henry Bentham
Sarah Bolland
Elizabeth Carrington
Charles Atherton
Joseph Crabtree
Richard Gore
Margaret Ollerton
James Aaron
Florence Marian Alcock
Lewis Annis
Mary Atherton
Bertha Alexander
John Henry Allan
George Bisby
Mary Brock
George Alcock
Daniel Ashcroft
Richard Baldwin
Willoughby Bean
Betty Aspinall
Elizabeth Jane Barrow
Edward Blower
Rachel Miller Crook
Edith Annie Arnold
Elizabeth Baldwin
Mary Barrow
Jane Blinkhorn
John Frank Ashley
Robert Baldwin
William Beech
Christiana Brown
Martha Abram
Henry Draper
Robert Latham
Hector Parr
John Alsop
Alice Bamber
Esther Bamber
George Bywater
Thomas Henry Abernethy
William Ashton
Alice Atherton
Thomas Frederick Atherton
William Abram
Marion Alcock
Oswald Ashcroft
James Baybutt
John Ashton
John Aspinall
Francis Baybutt
Richard Baybutt
Events for this month that are not associated with a specific day:
Diana Elizabeth Aaron
Isabella Abram
Margery Abram
Robert Abram
Catherine Alcock
Christina Millar Alcock
John William Allman
Margaret Allsup
Abraham Alsop
Jasper Parnell Alsop
John Alsop
Selina Alsop
William Ernest Alsop
James Alty
John Anderson
Mary Ann
James Ashcroft
Ellen Ashton
Albert Atherton
Ernest Percy Atherton
Joseph Atherton
Simon Ball
Jane Banner
Stanley G Barnard
Mary Jane Barrass
Richard Barrass
William Basnett
John Bateman
Aaron Battersby
Joshua Batty
Alice Baybutt
Fairhurst Baybutt
Gladys Esther Baybutt
Phillis Becket
Caroline Beresford
Thomas Betley
Sarah Bevers
Charlotte Elizabeth Billham
Ann Elizabeth Bisby
Jane Boden
Hannah Booth
Joseph Boyer
Maria Brereton
Elias Bridge
Joseph Bridge
Rhoda Brookes
John Brooks
Robert Tummons Brown
Sarah Jane Littler Brown
Whittel Brown
Ellen Buckley
Fred Bunn
George Bunn
Harry Bunn
James Butson
John Fletcher Cardwell
William Cardwell
Ann Carrington
Elizabeth Carrington
Margaret Carrington
Ann Carter
Louisa Caterer
John Cave
Samuel Cawley
Alice Cawthorn
Daniel Cheetham
Edward Cheetham
Elizabeth Ellen Cheetham
James Harris Cheetham
John Cheetham
Herbert William Chessman
Betsey Clare
Fanny Clare
Margery Victoria Clark
Thomas Clutton
Thomas Collins
Frederick Condliffe
Prudence Conliffe
Harriet Connor
Ann Cooper
Ellen Cottier
Grace Coward
Joseph Coward
Mary Ann Coward
Charles Cowley
Richard Clarke Cowley
Ann Cragg
Beatrice Maude L A Cross
Thomas Cross
Robinson Daker
Catherine Daniel
Mary Ann Rebecca Dannatt
Lilian Darlington
Edward Daw
Thomas Henry Daw
John Dawson
James Deakin
Susannah Deakin
Lydia Denton
Solomon Devereux
Alfred Dey
John William Dinsdale
Ellen Disley
James Done
Ann Draper
Margaret Draper
Thomas Draper
Samuel Dutton
Ellen Dyson
Jane Dyson
Sarah Dyson
Matthew Earnshaw
Minnie Clara Earnshaw
Thomas Earnshaw
Samuel Eaton
Thomas Edmondson
John Edwards
George Ellis
William Ellis
Edward Jackson Eyes
Matthew Eyes
Rhoda Eyes
Elizabeth Ann Fairbank
Mary Ann Farmery
George William Fines
John Thomas Finney
William Finney
William Finney
William Firth
Joseph Fish
Agnes Fishwick
Jane Fishwick
John Fishwick
Maria Fishwick
Ellen Forshaw
Martha Forshaw
Samuel Forsyth
James Foster
Annie Fowls
William Fratson
William Fratson
Mary French
James Gamble
Lizzie Gandy
Mary Gandy
Robert Gandy
Thomas Gandy
Stephen George Gardiner
Edward Gates
Alice Gibbons
Henry Gibbons
Charles Bertram Gill
Louis Victor Gill
Mary Gill
Emma Gillyon
William Gillyon
William Benjamin Gillyon
Annaretta Goodier
Mark Goodier
Philip Goodier
Robert Edward Goodier
Matthew Gore
Ralph Grange
Arthur Greaves
Herbert Greaves
Lucy Greaves
William Bamber Greenwood
Peter Gregson
Mary Griffiths
Joseph Grimshaw
Thomas Grindley
Thomas Haddock
Sarah Hague
Absalom Hampton
Frederick Hancock
Ann Harlington
Elijah Harlington
Jane Hannah Harlington
Louisa Harlington
William Harlington
William Procter Brearsley Ha...
Alice Harrison
Allen Harrison
Emma Harrison
Frances Harrison
Frances E Harrison
Henry Harrison
Herbert Harrison
Job Harrison
Rebecca Harrison
Edward Armitage Hartley
Elizabeth Hartley
John Hartley
Ernest Hastings
Joseph Hatton
Margaret Ellen Hatton
Alice Maud Heath
Elizabeth Ann Heath
Frank Augustus Heath
John Heath
Mary Hannah Heath
Sarah Jane Heath
John Richard Hellon
Maria Henshall
Herbert Hesford
Joseph Hindley
William Hodgkinson
Henry Holcroft
William Horrocks
George Walter Hossell
Harriet Hossell
Mary Hough
Mary Elizabeth Hough
Sarah Hough
Susannah Hough
Thomas Riley Hough
Solomon Houghton
Matthew Howcroft
Percival Howcroft
Samuel Howcroft
Rhoda Ann Howell
Thomas Hulme
Hannah Hulse
Jane Hulse
Martha Hannah Hulse
Luke Hunter
Thomas Hunter
Joseph Newall Hussey
Hannah Hutchinson
Joseph Illidge
Thomas Illingworth
Jane Irwin
Laurence Jackson
Mary Jackson
Mary Ann Jackson
Kerfoot Janion
Kerfoot Janion
Martha Jenkins
Ann Johnson
Robert Henry Johnson
Ellen Jones
Gethyn Ogwen Jones
John Alfred Jones
Maria Jones
Mary Jane Jones
William Kelshaw
Henry Kirkwhite Kendrick
Lilian Kendrick
Eliza Rebecca Lamb
Enoch Lamb
Isaac Lamb
Maria Lancaster
Lilian May Latham
Sarah Jane Lattimore
James William Lawson
Martha Lawson
Ellen Leach
James Charles Leach
Percy Leach
Ralph Leach
Phineas Lee
Thomas Lightfoot
Ann Hattersley Lightowler
Elijah Colbridge Lilford
Robert Longton
Emma Lowe
Matthew Lowe
Marion Maben
Levinia Wright (Eliza) Maddo...
Sydney Maddock
Elizabeth Maddocks
William Magill
Ellen Malley
Isabella Marshall
Mary Martin
Hugh Martland
Ellen Mason
Hambleton Mason
Hambleton Mason
Henry Edward Mason
John Henry Meese
Joseph Meese
William Mellor
Samuel Miller
Hannah Mills
John Molyneux
Mary Moore
Henry Moores
Edwin Moorhouse
George Ridgway Mortimer
Emanuel Morton
Mary Mottershead
Emmanuel Moxon
Mary Rose Musgrove
Samuel Ormson Musker
Margaret A Nicholson
Edward Noble
William Noble
Martha Ormson
Henry Owen
Alexander Parr
John Parr
Ralph Parr
Sarah Parr
William Parr
Samuel Patchett
William Patchett
Elizabeth Patrick
Louisa Pattrick
John Peck
Phoebe Pedder
Samuel Peet
Cicely Pennington
Joseph Percival
Maria Philips
Ann Elizabeth Phillipson
Ann Pierce
Daniel Pilkington
Eunice Platt
Jane Platt
Emma Plumb
Edmund Horrall Poole
William Poole
Isaac Prescott
William Preston
Mary Procter
Sarah Puckering
Catherine Quilliam
Thomas Quinn
James Moores Randles
Ralph Ravenscroft
Ralph Douglas Ravenscroft
John Joseph Rawnsley
James Bowden Rees
Jonathan Renshaw
Jonathan Renshaw
Admiral Revell
Alice Reynolds
Caroline Rhodes
Ann Elizabeth Richmond
Elizabeth Ridgway
Mary Ellen Rigby
George James Risley
Elizabeth Robinson
Jane Robinson
Richard Robinson
John Rockett
Ernest John Rosbottom
James Rothwell
Sarah Ann Roylance
Thomas Roylance
Peter Ruddock
Robert Ryley
Isaiah Sadler
Samuel Sadler
Elizabeth Salter
George Sarvent
Thomas Scholey
Frances Scott
Charles Richard Seaton
Fred Seddon
Margaret Selsby
Martha Seymour
Richard Seymour
William Seymour
Mary Sharps
Jane Sharrock
John William Shaw
Rhoda Ann Shaw
Richard Shaw
Sarah Shaw
William Shaw
George Shepley
Robert Shillito
Mary Smith
Sarah Ann Smith
Wilson Sparrow
Mary Speed
Joseph Spence
Ann Spencer
Peter Spencer
Robert Henry Squires
William Squires
James Starkey
John Gandy Starkey
Joshua Stead
William Stelfox
Robert Baxter Stevenson
Frederick Stones
Hannah Stretch
Arthur Allen Sumner
Henry Super
Enoch Sutton
James Sutton
Watson Sutton
Walter Swift
Edward Sykes
Thomas Maben Taylor
Clara Elizabeth Thorley
John William Thornton
Mary Tickle
Vason Tock
Martha Hannah Tomlinson
Ann Turner
Susannah Turton
William Turton
Adam Tyrer
Maximillian Tyrer
Abraham Varley
Leeming Varley
Samuel Vernon
Samuel Vernon
Margaret Vickers
William Vines
Daniel Wadcock
Elizabeth Waddingham
Proctor Walker
Martha Ann Waterhouse
Abraham Webley
Joseph Weedall
Richard Weedall
Simeon Weedall
William Weedall
Elijah Westons
Samuel Whinyates
Christiana Whitaker
Sarah Whitby
Mary Whitehead
Richard Hinchsliff Whiteley
Alice Whitfield
Charlotte Whittle
Amelia Wilding
Catherine Wilkinson
John Willington
Thomas Willington
Mary Wilson
Edith Emily Winstanley
Jane Wolsey
Ethel Wood
John Henry Wood
Joseph Wood
Mary Ann Wood
Frederick Woods
Margaret Woodvine
Percy Imisson Worfolk
William Harold Worfolk
Margaret Worrall
William Worrall
Annie Whitaker Wray
Hampshire Wray
Emily Wright
Harry Arnold Clapham
Henry Clapham
Margaret Ada Clapham
Thomas Clapham
Elizabeth Ann Swales
Ann Abram
Mary Abram
Samuel Abram
Alice Ackroyd
Hilda Jane Ackroyd
Mary Hannah Adams
Amelia Addy
John Henry Addy
Ada Alcock
Ethel Alcock
James Alcock
Rachel Alcock
William Alcock
Florrie Allan
Elizabeth Allcock
Fanny Pickering Allcock
Sarah Allcock
Sarah Ann Allcock
Sarah Ann Allcock
George Allen
Amos Allman
Ernest Alsop
George Alsop
John Alsop
John William Alsop
William Ernest Alsop
Edith Alty
Ivy Alty
Robert Alty
Margaret Ann Amos
Ann Eliza Anson
Doris Anson
John Henry Anson
Margaret Emily Anson
Mary Ellen Anson
Mary Ellen Anson
Thomas Anson
Bertha Appleton
Charles Ashcroft
Elizabeth Ellen Ashcroft
Ellen Ashcroft
John Wilding Ashcroft
Rebecca Ashcroft
Thomas Ashcroft
Alfred Ashley
Elizabeth Ashley
Samuel Ashley
Thomas Ashley
Thomas Ashley
William Ashley
Ada Ann Askew
Harry Askew
Mary Ellen Aspinall
Mary Fellows Aston
Eleanor Muriel Atherton
Elizabeth Ada Atherton
Elizabeth Gertrude Atherton
George Atherton
Henry Percy Atherton
Horace Atherton
Josiah Atherton
Lilian Esther Atherton
Sarah Atherton
Sarah Atherton
Thomas Atherton
Thomas Frederick Atherton
William Henry Atherton
Emma Atkins
Margaret Auckland
William Bagley
Daniel Bailey
John William Bailey
George Baines
Isaac Bamber
Elizabeth Hamshaw Bamfield
Samuel Banks
Edith Bannister
Horace Bannister
Hugh Bannister
Abraham Barker
Florence Mary Barker
Sophia Louise Barker
Thomas Barker
Ellen Barley
Emma Barley
Florence May Barley
Herbert Barley
Laura Elizabeth Barley
Noah Barley
Stephen Barley
Stephen Barley
Susannah Barley
Sarah Barlow
Ada Barrass
Albert Barrass
Charles William Barrass
Doreen Barrass
Emma Barrass
Fred Barrass
Jane Barrass
Martha Barrass
Richard Barrass
Susannah Barrass
Edward Bate
Frances Webster Baxter
James Baybutt
John Baybutt
Lilly Mary Baybutt
Jane Ann Bean
Henry Beckett
Jane Beddell
Ida Beecroft
Sarah Ann Beecroft
Elizabeth Beesley
Edith Bellfield
Mary Ann Bibby
Charlotte Elizabeth Billham
Janet Birchall
Sarah Birchall
Elizabeth Bisby
Fanny Bisby
Elizabeth Agnes Blundell
James Boardman
Jesse Boardman
Lizzie Boden
Mary Frances Boden
Peter Boden
Ted Boden
Walter Boden
William Richard Boden
Joseph Booth
Martha Booth
Charlotte Comfort Booty
Selina Bould
William Bould
John Sarvent Boulton
Joseph Bowden
Ashton Boyer
Hannah Boyer
Margaret Boylan
Barjona Bradshaw
George Bradshaw
Helena Bradshaw
William Gittens Brazendale
Charles Edmund Bright
Willbee Bright
John Brockbank
Mary Ann Brockbank
Richard John Brooks
John Tummons Brown
Emma Bunn
George Bunn
George Carter Bunn
Richard Alfred Bunn
Mary Ann Burrows
Hannah Bushell
Richard Bushell
Thomas Butters
Fanny Florence Canvin
George Canvin
George James Canvin
John William Canvin
William Thomas Canvin
Ernest Brocklehurst Capper
George Capper
John Fletcher Cardwell
John Fletcher Cardwell
Edith Carr
Alice Carrington
Ann Carrington
Emma Carrington
Emma Carrington
Mary Ellen Carrington
Richard Carrington
Christina Carter
Elizabeth Jane Cartmel
Walter Harold Cartmel
Elizabeth Cattrall
Emma Cattrall
Jessie Cattrall
Sarah Cattrall
Thomas Cattrall
Julia Ann Cawkwell
Wilfrid Cawkwell
Clara Cawley
William Cawley
Ann Cawthorn
Charles Edward Cawthorn
Elizabeth Cawthorn
Mary Cawthorn
William Cawthorn
Bertha Chadwick
Maggie Chadwick
Margaret Chadwick
Miriam Chadwick
Ruhannah Chadwick
Thomas Chadwick
Thomas Henry Chadwick
Moses Chatterley
Annie Cheetham
Elizabeth Ellen Cheetham
Henry Cheetham
Thomas Cheetham
William Henry Clapham
Betsy Clare
Eleanor Clare
Elsie Olive Clare
Gladys Clare
Henry Clare
Mabel Clare
Mona Eileen Clare
Sarah Elsie Clare
Tom Clare
Amy Clark
Emma Eliza Clark
John Clark
Nia Clark
Ernest Henry Clayton
Margaret Clayton
Mary Clayton
Annie Florence Cliffe
Arthur Walton Cliffe
Beatrice Cliffe
Lucy Hannah Cliffe
William Brears Cliffe
Caroline Margaret Clowes
Elizabeth Hannah Clowes
Hannah Clowes
John Henry Clowes
Mary Clowes
Rosa Clowes
Abraham Colclough
Rosannah Colclough
Ruth Ann Coley
Thomas William Coley
Jabez Commander
William Commander
Julia Condliffe
William Conliffe
Annie Louisa Cooper
John Cooper
Simeon Cooper
William Cooper
Edith Alice Cottier
Emanuel Cottier
Mary Jane Cottier
William Cottier
Charles Cawley Cowley
Walter Cowman
Ann Elizabeth Cox
Harriet Cox
Joseph Henry Cox
Mary Hannah Cox
Thomas Richard Cox
Joseph Crabtree
Joseph Naylor Crabtree
Fanny Boden Cross
Thomas Cross
Agnes Curtin
Elizabeth Ann Cusworth
Earl Daker
Martha Hannah Daker
Lilian Darlington
Hannah Daw
Ethel Lilian Dawson
John Dawson
Minnie Dawson
Charlotte Deakin
Fred Deakin
George Deakin
Hannah Deakin
Harriet Deakin
James Deakin
James Thomas Deakin
John Henry Deakin
Mabel Deakin
Mabel Elizabeth Deakin
Margaret Deakin
Mary Deakin
Sarah Deakin
Thomas Deakin
Thomas Deakin
Walter John Deakin
William Deakin
John Dean
Mary Dean
William Dean
Louisa Depledge
James (Hulse) Devereux
Willie Disley
Mary Dodson
Sarah Ann Done
Eliza Dowkes
Ann Draper
Ann Draper
Edna Draper
William Draper
Priscilla Drury
Charles Dumbill
Emma Dunbabin
Arthur Dutton
Ellen Dutton
George Dutton
Jemima Dutton
Jessie Dutton
John Dutton
John Dutton
Mary Dutton
Samuel Dutton
George William Earnshaw
James Robert Earnshaw
John Thomas Earnshaw
Percy Earnshaw
Richard Earnshaw
Tryphena Easthope
Thomas Eaton
Amenda Jane Edmondson
Elizabeth Jane Edmondson
John Edmondson
Frederick Matthew Edwards
John Edwards
Charlotte Ellis
Hannah Mary Ellwood
Miriam Ellwood
Sarah Elizabeth Ellwood
Thomas Herbert Ellwood
Joseph Emery
Ellen Emmott
John Emmott
Lily Florence Erickson
Walter Henry Erickson
Sarah Elizabeth Eyes
Sarah Jane Fairbank
Jane Fairclough
Margaret Elizabeth Faircloug...
Richard Fairclough
Annie Alexandra Fairhurst
Nancy Fairhurst
Thomas Fallows
Sarah Cassell Farmery
Hannah Elizabeth Fazackerley
Betsy Lavinia Mary Fereday
Samuel Fereday
Thomas Daniel Fereday
Albert Finney
James William Finney
John Fishwick
Maria Fishwick
William Fogg
Ann Forshaw
Edna May Forshaw
Edward Forshaw
Ernest Forshaw
Gertrude Forshaw
Richard Forshaw
Benjamin Foster
Betty Foster
Jane Elizabeth Foster
George Fowler
Harry Cook Fowler
Richard Fowler
Percy Charles Poole Fox
Daniel Fradley
Ellis Fradley
Harold Fradley
John Fradley
Rachel Fradley
Sarah Ann Fradley
Thomas Fradley
Edith Fratson
Harriet Fratson
William Fratson
Julia Fryer
Martha Elizabeth Furfie
Martha Ann Fyles
Ada Sarah Gambles
John Gandy
Edward Garton
Mary Agnes Gaskell
Jabez Hignett Gaskill
George Gatley
John Gatley
Edith Gawthorpe
James William Gawthorpe
Joseph Coward Gawthorpe
Sarah Ann Coward Gawthorpe
James Gerrard
Lily Gerrard
John Thomas Gibbons
Mary Gibbons
William Thomas Gibbons
Frederick John Gibson
Francis Moody Gill
Fred Gill
Hannah Mary Gill
Sarah Elizabeth Gill
Thomas Gill
Whitworth Gill
Alice Mary Gillyon
Emma Gillyon
William Benjamin Gillyon
Alice Gledhill
William Gledhill
Amy Alice Glover
Elizabeth Ann Glover
Mary Glover
William Edward Glover
Annie Goben
Jonah Goode
Joseph Goode
Katy Prudence Goode
Annaretta Goodier
Elizabeth Goodier
Jane Goodier
Julia Goodier
Mary Royle Goodier
Philip Goodier
Robert Goodier
Samuel Goodier
Sarah Mountfield Goodier
Brenda Gore
Job Gore
Gladys Emily Gorst
Samuel Gosling
Jane Gough
Mary Alice Grainger
William Henry Grange
Mary Granger
Cyril Ernest Grant
Ethel Greaves
Ernest Green
Georgiana Green
Esther Greenfield
Joseph Greenfield
Frederick Griffin
Elizabeth Aden Dean Griffith...
John James Griffiths
Sarah Griffiths
William Dean Griffiths
Alice Jane Marshall Grimshaw
Robert Grimshaw
William Hackett
Mary Haddock
William Haddock
William Haddock
Alfred Hall
James Hall
James Samuel Winterbottom Wa...
Thomas Alfred Hall
Thomas Hallwood
Robert Halsall
Maria Hammond
John Hampson
Elizabeth Ellen Hancock
Mary Hankey
Alma Harlington
Annie Elizabeth Harlington
James Harlington
Jane Hannah Harlington
John William Harlington
Thomas Colbridge Harlington
Allen Harrison
Henry Harrison
Ida Elizabeth Harrison
James Harrison
Thomas Harrison
Thomas Henry Harrison
Elizabeth Margaret Hartley
Margaret Hartley
Edith Shillito Hastings
Ernest Hastings
Sarah Elizabeth Hattersley
Alice Hatton
Edward Hatton
Elizabeth Harriet Hatton
Enoch Hatton
John Barker Hatton
John Barker Hatton
Laura Hatton
Mary Ann Hayes
Josiah Heath
Martha Ann Heath
Mary Ellen Heginbotham
William Hesketh
William Hesketh
Walter Reynolds Hewitt
Emeline Hickson
Herbert Hickson
Jane Gertrude Hickson
Mary Hickson
Thomas Hickson
Ellen Higgs
Martha Ellen Hilton
William Hinchliff
Albert Hinchliffe
Alfred Hinchliffe
Eva Elizabeth Hinchliffe
Ivy Hinchliffe
Joseph William Hinchliffe
Walter Hinchliffe
Walter Hinchliffe
William Hague Hinchliffe
William Henry Hinchliffe
Ann Elizabeth Hinchsliff
Edith Emily Hinchsliff
George Hinchsliff
William Hinchsliff
Elizabeth Margaret Hinde
Hannah Hindley
James Edward Hindley
Elizabeth Hinman
John Hinman
Susan Hinman
William Hinman
Ann Hirst
Harriet Hirst
John Thomas Hirst
Edith Ann Hobday
Jane Hobman
Minnie Hobman
Martha Ann Hodgkinson
Amelia Holden
Emily Holden
James Holden
Percy Holden
Thomas Holden
Thomas Holden
Clara Emma Holford
Florence Holford
Ada Hollinshead
Arthur Hollinshead
Gladys Hollinshead
Harriet Hollinshead
Joseph Jenkinson Hollinshead
Walter Hooley
William Henry Hopwood
Elizabeth Hornby
John Hornby
Mary Hornby
Harrison Horner
Henry Horsfield
Lavina Horsfield
Alexander Hough
Ann Hough
Clara Hough
Mary Hough
Mary Hough
Thomas Buchanan Hough
William Hough
Alice Houghton
Emanuel Houghton
Florence Houghton
Maria Houghton
Mary Elizabeth Houghton
Samuel Houghton
Thomas Lawrenson Houghton
William Henry Houghton
James Howard
Martha Howard
Enoch Howell
Rhoda Ann Howell
Thirza Ellen Hoxworth
Frank Speed Hughes
Margaret Ann Hughes
Ann Hulse
Fanny Hulse
James Hulse
Jane Hulse
Jessie Hulse
Job Hulse
John Hulse
Joseph Hulse
Kate Hulse
Louisa Hulse
Louisa Hulse
Lucy Hulse
Martha Hulse
Thomas Benjamin Hulse
Thomas Boden Hulse
Albert Ernest Hunt
Elizabeth Ada Hunt
George Carter Hunt
Joshua Hunt
Walter Hunt
Annie Hunter
James Iddon
Sarah Elizabeth Jackson
Minnie Welsby James
Albert Jarvis
Edward Jarvis
Elizabeth Jarvis
Elsie Jarvis
Emily Jarvis
Joseph Jarvis
Nellie Jarvis
Rebecca Jarvis
William Jarvis
Alexander Jinks
Edward Jinks
Fred Jinks
George Jinks
Christine Johnson
Hugh Johnson
Jane Johnson
Nellie Johnson
Albert Edward Jones
Elizabeth Jones
Hannah Jones
Martha Annie Jones
Mary Jane Jones
Ophelia Jones
Richard Jones
Ronald Woodward Jones
John Kay
James Latham Kelso
John Kenwright
Hannah Kershaw
Elizabeth Kettle
Nancy Key
Alice King
Margaret King
Margaret Florence King
Thomas Henry Kirby
Ann Lamb
Betsey Ellen Lamb
Charles Harrison Lamb
Eliza Lamb
Frederick Stephen Lamb
Henry Lamb
James Edwin Lamb
Samuel Lamb
Stephen Lamb
Thomas Lamb
William Lamb
William Lamb
Dick Lancelot
George William Lancelot
Henry Langton
Mary Jane Langton
William Langton
William Henry Langton
Henry Latham
Adora Larrington Lattimore
Charlotte Lattimore
Harriet Ann Lattimore
Harriett Lattimore
Mary Elizabeth Lattimore
Sarah Ann Lattimore
Sarah Jane Lattimore
Eva Lawrence
Florence Annie Lawrence
Joseph Lawrence
Kathleen Lawrence
Lily Lawrence
John Lawton
Thomas Lawton
Hannaford Leach
William Leach
Annie Florence Lee
Arthur Lee
Henry Lee
Harriet Leese
Abraham Lewis
George Lewis
John Lightfoot
William Lightfoot
Edward James Lightowler
Mary Lightowler
Mary Elizabeth Lilford
Ann Maria Linsley
Thomas Littlemore
Joseph Littler
Eliza Lovatt
Ellen Lovatt
Henry Boden Lovett
William Lovett
Catherine Lowe
Doris Lucy Lowe
Ellen Lowe
John Thomas Lowe
Matthew Lowe
Matthew Lowe
Sarah Lund
Daisy Lunt
Doris Lunt
Edward Lunt
Hetty Lunt
Leonard Lunt
Charlotte Elizabeth Lushnath
Fanny Lyall
Henry Lyall
Mary Emily Lyall
Reuben Lyall
Mary Handley Lydiate
Ann Jenkins Lythgoe
George Lythgoe
Hannah Lythgoe
Margaret Lythgoe
Mary Lythgoe
Sarah Jane Lythgoe
George Ernest Maddock
George Henry Maddock
John Maddock
John Robert Maddock
Norman Maddock
William Maddock
Florence Maddocks
Albert Maddox
James Maddox
Jane Maddox
John Maddox
John Maddox
Mary Alice Maddox
Mary Elizabeth Maddox
Peter Maddox
Richard Maddox
Richard Herbert Maddox
William Henry Maddox
Winifred Maddox
Jane Mailey
Nellie Mailey
Ann Maines
Alice Martin
Arthur Martin
Edgar Martin
Frances Martin
James Martin
James Hardwick Martin
Tilly Martin
Agnes Mason
James Mason
Margaret Mason
Mary Glew Mason
William Edward Mather
Henry Matthewman
Axel Gustaf Mattson
Henry Maund
Margaret Ellen McKie
Charles Mellor
Charles Mellor
Fred Mellor
Grace Edna Mellor
Walter Mark Mellor
Thomas Mercer
Edith Annie Middleton
John Miller
Arthur Millington
Peter Millington
Hamlet Mills
James Leonard Mills
Mary Elizabeth Mills
Sarah Louisa Mills
William James (Colbridge) Mi...
Emma Moffat
James Moffat
Robert Moffat
Fred Moore
Agnes Alice Moorhouse
Sarah Catharine Moorhouse
Edith Morris
Edwin Morris
Harriet Ann Morris
James Morris
Charles Mortimer
John Mortimer
Henry Morton
Jane Morton
James Moss
Hinchsliff Moxon
Walter Moyle
Charles Arthur Boag Munroe
Doris Maud Boag Munroe
Eunice Boag Munroe
Florence Boag Munroe
Florence Boag Munroe
Leonard Boag Munroe
George Musker
Robert Musker
Robert Musker
Samuel Ormson Musker
Esther Naylor
William James George Neale
George Thomas Nelson
Henry Newby
Alexander Moncur Niblock
Elizabeth Niblock
John Andrew Niblock
Caroline Nicholas
Charlotte Selina Nicholas
Maria Nicholas
Martha Nicholas
Thomas Nicholas
Thomas Nicholas
William Nicholas
James Nicholls
Richard John Nicholls
Sarah Ann Nicholls
William Henry Nicholls
George Nichols
Robert Nicholson
Thomas Nield
Jane Noden
Sarah Elizabeth Oakes
Walter Oakes
William Oakes
William George Oakes
Elizabeth Ode
James Ode
Margaret Ode
Albert Edgar Ogden
Norman Oldfield
Maurice Owen
John Thomas Paling
Alfred Parish
Elizabeth Parish
Emily Parish
Ernest Parish
Mary Ann Parish
Emily Parr
Jane Parr
Richard Parr
Fred Patchett
Hannah Patchett
Isaac Patchett
Rosina Patchett
Thomas Patchett
Thomas Peach
Alice Peacock
Henry Peacock
Sharlie Burton Pearson
Sarah Peet
Fanny Pemrick
Martha Ann Pendlebury
John Penny
Joseph Kelsall Penny
Edith Percival
George Perkins
John William Perkins
Richard Perry
Ben Petty
Horatio Robert Petty
John Curtis Petty
William Phillipson
Elizabeth Pickstock
Elizabeth Pickstock
Frances Pickstock
Hannah Pickstock
Job Pickstock
John Pickstock
Mary Jane Pickstock
Samuel Pickstock
Sarah Pickstock
William Pickstock
Edinea Pilkington
Marian Pine
Elizabeth Ann Plumb
Jacob Plumb
Job Plumb
Stephen Plumpton
Edith Ann Pollitt
Eva Pollitt
James Leach Pollitt
William Pollitt
Wilson Henry Pollitt
Fanny Poole
John Poole
Mary Hannah Poole
Thomas Poole
William Poole
Hannah Postles
Henry Postles
Jane Postles
John Postles
Thomas Postles
Thomas Edward Povey
Jane Poxon
Joseph Poxon
Mary Ann Poxon
Thomas Poxon
Agnes Prendergast
Margaret Prescott
Mary Prescott
Robert Prescott
William Preston
Alice Pritchard
Emma Pritchard
George Pritchard
Mary Jane Prosser
Ann Pugh
Lucy Pugh
Mary Pulford
Cecilia Jones Pye
Clifford Harding Pye
George Pye
Herbert John Pye
Thomas Poole Pye
Judith Ramsden
Elsie Randles
Richard Mortimer Raper
Thomas Ratcliffe
William Herbert Rea
Sarah Ann Reader
Charlotte Rees
Edith Rees
Fanny Rees
John Alfred Rees
Ethel Renardson
Eva Renardson
Walter Renardson
Ann England Reveler
John William Revell
Mary Ann Richmond
Miles Richmond
Thomas Richmond
Mary Ann Rigby
Martha Riley
Ann Risley
Sophia Risley
Alice Robinson
Eliza Robinson
Ellen Robinson
Gladys Robinson
Mary Ellen Robinson
Sarah Ann Robinson
William Robinson
Sheila Margaret Rockett
John Rogerson
Elizabeth Rolls
John Rotheram
Francis Arthur Rothwell
James Rothwell
John Rothwell
Ann Rebecca Rowbottom
Thomas Henry Rowland
John Robert Rowley
Daniel Rowlinson
Margaret Rowlinson
Benjamin Royle
Edward Royle
James Royle
Margaret Ann Royle
Mary Ellen Royle
Sarah Royle
Thomas Rusby
William Henry Rusby
Ellen Rusling
Harriet Sadler
Frederick Salt
George Salt
Zilpah Salt
Alfred Ernest Middleton Sand...
Elizabeth Sandbach
Hannah Buckley Sandbach
Sam Newall Sandbach
Thomas Adam Sandbach
Sarah Elizabeth Sanderson
Annie Schofield
Cyril Roy Schofield
Edith Schofield
Hannah Willmott Schofield
Harry Schofield
John Christopher Schofield
Mary Schofield
Emma Scholey
Edward Seddon
Fred Seddon
Elizabeth Selsby
Margaret Selsby
Mary Senior
Alice Seymour
Clara Maria Seymour
James Seymour
James Seymour
Jane Seymour
John Seymour
Mary Ann Seymour
Samuel Seymour
Samuel Seymour
Sarah Jane Seymour
Thomas Seymour
William Seymour
George Shallcross
George Henry Sharps
Jabez Sharps
Ann Jane Sharrock
Eliza Shaw
Elizabeth Shaw
Emma Shaw
John William Shaw
Joseph Arnold Shaw
Joseph William Shaw
Mary Shaw
Richard Shaw
William Shaw
Jane Sherman
Mary Ellen Slater
David Slingsby
John Slingsby
Mary Ann Slingsby
Clara Elizabeth Smallwood
John William Smetham
Mary Ellen Smetham
Aneline Nora Smith
John Anderton Smith
Mary Ann Smith
Mary Brierley Smith
Frank Smitham
Henry Smitham
Sarah Jane Snape
Gwendoline Southall
Mabel Alice Southall
Thomas Southern
Florence Sparrow
Mary Speakman
Sarah Ann Speed
Alice Spencer
Thomas Spencer
Mary Squires
Ann Starkey
Alexander Thomas Stelfox
Annie Stevenson
Ada Stones
Mary Stones
William Stones
Susan Elizabeth Stride
Martha Ann Sugden
Maria Sumner
Jane Super
Christiana Sutton
Emily Sutton
Nellie Sutton
Watson Sutton
Selina Swann
Richard Swash
Ephraim Walter Swift
Henry Swift
Sarah Swift
Walter Swift
Hannah Susan Sykes
John Richard Sykes
Betsy Tarbuck
Edith Tarbuck
Lily Taylor
Mary Ellen Taylor
Solomon Taylor
Mary Jane Theobald
Myra Theobald
Ann Elizabeth Thompson
Edith Thompson
Kate Thompson
Louisa Thompson
Mary Thompson
William Edward Thompson
Ellen Thornhill
George Thornhill
Mary Thornhill
Elizabeth Ann Thornton
William Tinsley
William Frederick Tittle
James Vason Tock
John Thomas Tock
Annie Todd
Edward Todd
Ethel Susannah Sutton Todd
William Palmer Todd
John William Tolley
Matilda Tolley
William Alfred Tonks
Gladys Topping
Joseph Topping
Mary Topping
Emma Townsley
Alice Trimble
Fanny Trimble
Elizabeth Jane Truscott
Blanche Tuckey
Edwin Tuckey
Harriet Tuckey
Minnie Elizabeth Tuckey
William Tuckey
Ann Tuke
John Tune
Hannah Turgoose
Daniel Forshaw Turner
John William Turner
Elizabeth Jane Turton
Harriet Turton
Elizabeth Twigg
Jane Tyrer
Mary Jane Varley
Ann Jane Verdin
John Verdin
Maud Eveline Verdin
Thomas Verdin
Venda Handley Vere
Isabella Hamilton Vernon
Samuel Vernon
Violet Vernon
Jane Vickers
Joseph Vickers
William Vickers
Elsie May Wadcock
Lily Wagstaff
Catherine Wainwright
Alfred Wakefield
Ada Walker
Frederick Walmsley
Alice Ward
Ann Ward
Henry Ward
John Ward
Martha Elizabeth Ward
William Ward
Mary Ann Waterhouse
John Watson
Mary Watson
Ellen Watson-Cox
Arthur Webb
Joseph William Webb
Mary Emma Webb
Sarah Jane Webb
William Webb
Edward Webberley
Ethel Webberley
Caroline Webley
Harriet Webley
Florence Webster
Bertha Weedall
Gertrude Weedall
Henry Weedall
James Weedall
Martha Weedall
Mary Emily Weedall
Mary Jane Weedall
Mary Sophia Weedall
Samuel Weedall
Frederick Weldon
James Whinyates
Veronica Arabella Whitby
Annie White
Elizabeth Ann Whiteley
James Whiteley
Peter Whittle
Hannah Widdowson
William Widdowson
Sarah Ann Wilding
Ede Elizabeth Wilkinson
Israel Wilkinson
William Henry Wilkinson
Thomas Willey
Annie Williams
John Williamson
Ann Esther Willington
Esther Willington
Crystal Wilson
John Crystal Wilson
John William Wilson
Richard Wilson
Sarah Ann Wilson
Henrietta Winstanley
John Jackson Winstanley
William Winstanley
Arthur Wood
Diana Wood
Emily Wood
Emma Elizabeth Wood
Fred Wood
John Wood
John Henry Wood
Joseph Harlington Wood
Olive Lilian Wood
Percy Bourne Wood
Amy Woodcock
Annie Woodcock
George Woodcock
Mary Woods
Thomas Woods
John Woodward
John Ernest Woodward
Mary Woodward
Elizabeth Woodworth
Ben Worfolk
Sarah Ann Worfolk
Jane Worthington
Robert Wray
Sarah Ann Wray
Betsey Wright
Edward Arthur Wright
Florence Wright
Frederick William Wright
Jane Wright
Mary Ann Wright
Mary Ellen Wright
Emily Gladys Yates
Hannah Yates
Lily Yates
Mary Ellen Yates
Mary Jane Yates
Catherine Clapham
John Clapham
Samuel Clapham
William Clapham
John Robert Walls
John William Walls
Lucy Walls
Richard Walls
Fred Curry Walls / Phyllis I...
Richard Clapham / Mary Holt
John Smith Slaney / Sarah Mu...
Isaac Lamb / Martha Ann Lamb
Samuel Pimley Ashcroft / Phy...
John Bowen / Margaret Hesket...
John Ashcroft / Helena Browe...
Robert Fazackerley / Emily S...
John Herbert Griffiths / Sar...
John Tinsley / Elizabeth Rid...
John Alexander / Mary Boyd
John Boardman / Mary Elizabe...
Thomas Stazicker / Jane Harr...
William Westwell / Alice Bay...
Frank Baybutt / May Cheetham
Richard Gill / Mary Harrison
Alfred Turner / Mary Jane Sl...
John Vickers / Nancy Rothwel...
John Halton / Mary Eastwood
James Ashcroft / Elizabeth E...
James Bootle / Charlotte Cha...
John Thomas (Gibbons) Webste...
Frederick Webster / Mary Jan...
Edward Green / Elizabeth For...
William Henry Fyles / Beatri...
Henry Musker / Mary Ann Simm...
James Carrington / Hannah Ec...
John Carrington / Mary Jane ...
John (Ingleby) Morris / Elle...
Reginald Foster / Jane Benth...
William Barrow / Jane Forsha...
James Draper / Elizabeth Han...
Robert Harrison / Maria Houg...
Thomas Pedley / Margaret Jac...
James Wylde / Maria Sharrock
Alexander Parr / Clara McCor...
John Thomas Parr / Elizabeth...
David Baxter / Hannah Clare
Henry Barrow / Alice Gilchri...
William Barrow / Sarah Eliza...
John Sharrock / Mary Alice M...
George Gibbons / Frances May...
John (Ingleby) Morris / Eliz...
Joseph Williams / Racabinah ...
William Langton Rockliffe / ...
Edward Rockliffe / Elsie Gra...
Richard Forshaw / Ellen Thom...
Christopher Iddon / Maud Cha...
John Hesketh / Margaret Evan...
Henry Vickers / Mary Bingham
Stephen Henshaw / Margaret F...
William Turner / Alice Walke...
Benjamin Billen / Emily Whit...
Robert Fletcher Salmon / Ada...
Peter Wylde / Iresia Povey
Jonathan Langton / Frances I...
Edward Robinson / Martha Hal...
Luke Bolton / Ellen Hough
Ralph Melling / Jane Marsden
John Staniforth / Eliza Greg...
Charles Arnold / Eliza Buckl...
Charles Arnold / Edith Clowe...
John Peter Baldwin / Jane Ge...
Albert Rockliffe / Doris Jan...
Thomas Ashley / Florence Tay...
Harry Twigg / Jane Swain
George Twigg / Eliza Hayes
John William Westrope / Mary...
John Wood / Ann Shuttleworth
Joseph Ackerley / Sarah Ann ...
William Ackerley / Elizabeth...
Joshua Cowen / Mary Ann True...
Joshua Patchett / Emily Crum...
Joseph Payne / Jane Varley
Joseph Wakefield / Mary Vena...
James Pemberton / Ellen Wake...
George Pickles / Sabina Rowa...
William Backhouse / Elizabet...
William Musker / Emily Apple...
Harry Darby / Mary Ann Louis...
Robert Latham / Ellen Bailey
Arthur Ollerton / Sarah M Se...
Thomas Miller Crook / Mabel ...
John Irving / Hannah Martha ...
Peter Daker / Elizabeth Scot...
William Chadwick / Mary Farl...
Hugh Iddon / Maria Featherst...
Charles Hunter Coward / Sara...
Robert Barnes / Elizabeth An...
Thomas Mathers / Mary Marsde...
James Fazakerley / Margaret ...
Henry Owen / Eliza Haines
Ebebezer Wilson Shaw / Marga...
Samuel Cook / Elizabeth Wats...
Joseph Forster / Ellen Cook
William Bebbington / Sarah J...
Richard Bebbington / Mary Ev...
Arthur Bebbington / Mary Emm...
James Ashcroft / Fanny Boyer
Simon Hallsworth / Annie All...
Joseph Handley Broady / Ada ...
Richard Done / Alice Evans
John Povey / Hannah Sandbach
William Clark / Mary Hallswo...
Peter Harrison / Emmeline Bo...
Henry Harrison / Ann Woods
Samuel Houghton / Elizabeth ...
Samuel Hatton / Sarah Hought...
George Houghton / Mary Ellen...
William Henry Wilkinson / Ma...
William Churchhouse / Elizab...
Joshua Robinson / Elizabeth ...
John Owen / Elizabeth Jane J...
Lot Hurst / Sarah Shingler
John Nicholson / Elizabeth C...
Frederick Randles / Alice An...
John Smith / Mary Alice Hard...
James Lloyd / Martha Ann Dic...
Thomas Edward Hardley / Mari...
James Pendlebury / Louisa De...
William Postles / Jane Wolse...
Edwin Coward / Elizabeth Hea...
Albert Lomax / Mary Jane Mol...
John Barker Hatton / Maud Mo...
William Riding / Harriet Bur...
William Harrison / Kitty Bel...
Richard Ambrose Barlow / Lyd...
John James Griffiths / Flore...
John Tickle / Elizabeth Elle...
Mark Lowe / Harriet Perks
John Lowe / Lucy Emma Field
John Booth / Jessie Ann Will...
William Postles / Jane Holli...
Michael Cain / Frances Jane ...
Levi Capper / Martha Cox
William Hood / Martha Bell
John Lyon / Elizabeth Oultra...
Thomas Rathbone / Elizabeth ...
Frederick William Hickson / ...
William Wilkinson / Martha A...
George Cashmore / Sarah Jane...
Richard Blower / Ann Verdin
John Sankey / Bridget Howley
James Palin / Sarah Holden
George Plant / Martha Musket...
John Sproston / Sarah Ann Mu...
Thomas Andrew Brown / Elizab...
John (Boden) Cross / Elizabe...
Abraham Mills / Catherine Al...
William Horton / Martha Ann ...
Richard Horton / Sarah Ann S...
John Jones / Sarah Dutton
John Speed / Catherine Johns...
Albert Edward Penny / Mary H...
Arthur Fryer / Clara Mills
Thomas Edward Mills / Sarah ...
James Clare / Margaret Kendr...
Samuel Leather / Elizabeth A...
Joshua Boardman / Emily Eyes
Clifford Blower / Mary Willi...
George Whitehead / Elizabeth...
Rowland Walker / Sarah Jane ...
Nathan Atherton / Maria Pick...
John Henry Atherton / Cather...
Nathan Atherton / Annie Flem...
Mali Johnson / Christiana At...
Henry Atherton / Leah Sudlow
John Stubbs / Leah Griffiths
Frederick Fitton / Alice Hou...
Peter Burrows / Lizzie Fitto...
Samuel Hough / Martha Waldro...
William Hulse / Martha Warri...
Joseph Hulse / Catherine Hic...
Alfred Plumb / Alice Robson
Frederick Barlow / Amy Robin...
Thomas Hallwood / Sarah Ann ...
William Pickstock / Mary Bre...
William Pickstock / Esther E...
Ezekiel Robinson / Hannah Sa...
John Hassall / Frances Cotte...
Oliver Hamlet / Perdita Gand...
Jabez Pickstock / Emily Bowd...
Samuel Pickstock / Mary Ann ...
William Thomas Wigley / Flor...
Henry Earlam Pemberton / Mar...
Enoch Pemberton / Jane Earla...
Walter Curzon / Eliza Ankers
Edward Curzon / Mary Dooley
George Brooks / Elizabeth Gr...
John Oakes / Mary Lowndes
Walter Minshall / Ann Poole
William Henry Cawley / Mary ...
Luke Rose / Sarah Jane Boyer
William Deakin Starkey / Mar...
Alfred Clifford Brock / Marg...
Peter Littlemore / Minnie Gi...
George Gill / Elizabeth Hick...
Benjamin Fradley / Ann Stanw...
Richard Jinks / Martha Eliza...
Alfred Sant / Mary
Luke Sant / Alice Hall
David McLeod / Hannah Scragg
George Ireland / Emma Ingles...
Samuel Fradley / Elizabeth M...
Josiah Grange / Prudence War...
Arthur Grange / Elizabeth An...
John Vernon / Penelope Charl...
William Gandy / Emma Daintit...
Thomas Lightfoot / Mary Ann ...
Joseph Foden / Mary Ann Plum...
James Mounfield / Elizabeth ...
Henry Roughley / Alice Bradb...
William Pardoe / Charlotte E...
Thomas Pardoe / Harriet Broo...
William Hughes / Sarah Ann G...
Samuel Leigh / Jane Black
Joseph Leigh / Susannah Worr...
John Leigh / Mary Elizabeth ...
William Leigh / Ellen Bircha...
Arthur Hallam / Mary Ann Lit...
Alfred Goodier / Mary Siddal...
Joseph Peach / Mary Hannah Y...
Charles Reay Whitlow / Marga...
George Reay Whitlow / Elizab...
Joseph Reay Whitlow / Ann Ma...
Thomas Ratcliffe / Caroline ...
Matthew Allman / Alice Maud ...
Thomas Whitfield / Alice Gil...
Matthew Whitfield / Elizabet...
Thomas Jonas Moss / Mary Ann...
Nathan Hatton / Mary Nott
Thomas Hemmings / Ellen Houg...
William Jones / Margaret Ham...
John Stanley / Elizabeth Wyn...
Thomas Wharton / Ann Anderso...
William Edward Guest / Eliza...
John Cawley / Elizabeth Ridg...
James Rathbone / Mary Annie ...
William George Newall / Alic...
Joseph Newall / Margaret San...
Charles Sproston Newall / Ma...
Elisha Newall / Elizabeth An...
Thomas Vernon Beaton / Jane ...
Joseph Shallcross / Sarah Co...
James Herbert Hayes / Alice ...
John West / Elizabeth Mayer
Robert Royle / Emma Worthing...
William Leach / Ada Reynolds
Frederick George Leach / Mar...
James Houghton / Jane Ann Ri...
Isaac Eccleston / Mary Rutte...
Joseph Sturgess / Alice Down...
Richard Lewis / Eliza Ann Cl...
Joseph Rose / Sarah Hazelby
Francis Hewitt / Mary Clare
Charles Henry Clare / Annie ...
Arthur Clare / Louisa Green
Albert Clare / Harriet Ann D...
Thomas Ogden / Eliza Ryder
George Shaw / Jane Tarbuck
Edward Allen Ireland / Mary ...
Edward Ritchie / Bertha Irel...
John Dabbs / Sarah Timmis
Joseph Moores / Isabella Lit...
Joseph Clowes / Alice Merril...
John William Barton / Sarah ...
Harry Barton / Mary Maud Gre...
John William Lake / Mary Eli...
Richard Done / Eliza Ormes
John Eaton / Elizabeth Parry
Andrew Davison / Hannah Edwa...
Albert Stopforth / Doris Rou...
John Thomas Lea / Margaret L...
Peter Lydiate / Beatrice May...
Samuel Astles / Emma Marlow
John J Bayliss / Ellen Atkin...
Henry Francis Pike / Annie B...
Barker Hulse / Alice Wood
William Preston / Frances Lo...
Frederick Hulse / Mary Ann A...
Arthur Hulse / Margaret Jane...
Joseph Edwin Hulse / Louisa ...
William Munday / Catherine M...
George Newall / Susan Jane S...
Herbert Hatton / Mary Hannah...
Arthur Percival / Mary Ellen...
Arthur Sproston / Maria Huls...
Arthur Furfie / Mary Appleto...
Samuel Abram / Sarah Ravensc...
Uriah Parker / Ruth Partingt...
William Anderson / Ann Ledsh...
Henry Smith / Georgiana Athe...
Harry Barker / Priscilla Woo...
John Stockton Challinor / Ly...
Cyril Howcroft Lewis / Winif...
William Howcroft / Elizabeth...
Robert Booth / Frances Hulse
George Lewis / Elizabeth Bol...
Tom Shepley / Elizabeth Miln...
Walter Lumb / Mary Shepley
Joseph Roskell / Margaret Ho...
Richard Henry Gosling / Hann...
Samuel Thomas Leach / Annie ...
Charles Edwin Gosling / Flor...
James Weedall / Sarah Ann Wi...
James Thomas / Martha Athert...
William Whitby / Ann Humphri...
Robert Cheetham / Mary Jane ...
John Roberts / Alice King
Walter Hatton / Sophia Clark...
Richard Bebbington / Ann Bro...
Robert Stubbs / Sarah Ikin
George Royle / Dorothy Ann F...
David Royle / Jane Crawford ...
Robert Shingler / Sarah Lewi...
Thomas Weedall / Emma Brown
Ambrose Berry / Mary Alice E...
John Whitlow / Jane Johnson
David Graham / Louisa Newall
John Samuel Oakes / Margaret...
Thomas Newall / Mary Ann R H...
Edgar Brooks / Ellen Davies
John Israel Pickstock / Flor...
William Moss / Ada Wallwork
Edward Daw Crabtree / Beatri...
George Acaster / Emma Leak
James Crabtree / Ann Elizabe...
James Richard Daw / Edith An...
Herbert Green / Mary Elizabe...
John Makin / Elizabeth Cardw...
John Gawthorpe / Sarah Jane ...
James Beveridge / Lydia Kate...
Alfred Acaster / Kathleen M ...
Harry Septimus Acaster / Ger...
John Gawthorpe / Kate Fewste...
John Gooder / Emma Gooder
Henry Mellor / Harriet Talbo...
John Mellor / Laura Mary Sex...
John Pike / Ann Collins
Joseph Pike / Mary Ann Turne...
Joseph Moxon / Annie Elizabe...
Edwin Bisby / Caroline Moxon
James Robert Gardiner / Sara...
Albert Ernest Gardiner / Eli...
Thomas Lilford / Elizabeth A...
William Robinson Colbridge /...
John William Heath / Rose Mo...
Joseph Inglesfield / Emily L...
William Pendlebury / Laura K...
Joseph John Gittens Brazenda...
Thomas Clucas / Frances Mass...
James Frederick Edwards / Vi...
Isaac Hulse / Sarah Bolland
Benjamin Hulse / Lilian Jone...
Thomas Cavanagh / Mary Donla...
Walter Oakes / Annie Brookes
John Bellian / Lillie Summer...
Enoch Lightfoot / Elizabeth ...
Samuel Webster / Margaret An...
William Arthur Lightfoot / C...
John Woods / Elizabeth Denso...
Samuel Harrison / Mary Rowla...
Joseph Salt / Grace Bishop
Richard Seymour / Sarah Jone...
George Pye / Honor Stanton
Moses Appleton / Betsey Ann ...
Arthur Snelson / Amy Rotherh...
Thomas Randles / Clara Jane ...
Fred Ferriman / Martha Mello...
William Ounsley / Hannah Wal...
Thomas Weaver / Mary Agnes B...
Peter Lyle / Mary Elizabeth ...
Thomas Davies / Mary Ann Bea...
Edward Peck / Sarah Dobson
George Vernon / Ann Dickenso...
Richard Nicholls / Mary Cody
Thomas Edward Lowe / Johanna...
Samuel McMillan / Henrietta ...
William Bradshaw / Ann Esthe...
Thomas Blackham / Harriet Wi...
William Barnard / Hannah How...
Richard Turton / Sarah Jane ...
James Hampson / Ellen Godfry
Robert Baxter Stevenson / Sa...
William Cawley / Alice Wood
William Burgess / Tryphena E...
Charles Wallace / Isabella S...
Joseph Greenfield / Harriet ...
Arthur Fradley / Eliza Thoma...
Richard Hinchsliff Whiteley ...
Richard Kay / Mary Ellen Ath...
John Mortimer / Louisa Barbe...
Joseph Willey / Elizabeth Bi...
George Hinchsliff / Lillie B...
George Brocklehurst / Sarah ...
John Wallace / Sarah Jane Su...
Robert Johnson / Clara Deaki...
George Thomas Whiteley / Mar...
William Pick / Ann Good
David Goben / Elsie A Davis
Frank Goben / Ellen Taylor
James Millington / Jane John...
Henry Minshull / Mary Ann Ho...
Henry Minshull / Ellen Turle...
Herbert Wood / Olive Gowler
Joseph Willey / Beatrice Whe...
John Beckett / Sarah Ann McC...
George Beckett / Florence Ha...
Albert Ramsden / Ethel Johns...
Thomas Gillyon Martin / Jane...
James Walter Gillyon / Sarah...
Charles Tom Gillyon / Mary E...
Charles Thomas Gillyon / Edi...
Charles Fradley / Frances La...
Alfred Barrass / Annie Stanl...
Frank Barrass / Emma Grove
Harry Phillipson / Edna M Pl...
Thomas Phillipson / Evelyn M...
Edwin Thomas Perry / Theodos...
William Charles Clowes / Ali...
Isaac Albert Clowes / Elsie ...
Arthur Grimes / Emily Whiteh...
Benjamin Southall / Eliza Ma...
Charles Burgess / Matilda So...
William Alfred Tonks / Mary ...
William Tonks / Selina Barke...
Walter Linsley / Ethel Ball
Ben Worfolk / Alice Ann Brig...
James Dinsdale / Mary Rebecc...
John Henry Erickson / Mary A...
John Richard Rowley / Beatri...
William Temple Fielder / Sel...
Henry Garnett / Arabella Fow...
Edward Benbow / Sarah Fleetw...
Herbert Alsop / Sarah Ellen ...
Henry Eastwood / Annie Maria...
Harold Dearman / Gertrude Fl...
William Turgoose / Ellen Wat...
John Henry Meese / Rose Clow...
Maltus Gill / Rose Hilda Coo...
Francis Moody Gill / Jane An...
David Condliffe / Rachel Bun...
John Turton / Elizabeth Roll...
Richard Baldwin / Mary Ashcr...
John William Jones / Margare...
Reuben Cusworth / Elizabeth ...
Ernest Sanderson / Mildred W...
James Edward Wood / Mabel Th...
Samuel Henry Rock / Elizabet...
John Thomas Jordan / Georgin...
George William Percy Podmore...
Thomas Ellis / Mary Ann Yate...
George Curzon / Hannah Bradb...
Thomas Grindley / Elizabeth ...
Joseph Webb / Sarah Savage
Benjamin Webb / Edith Haviou...
William Edward Webb / Kate M...
Alfred Peacock / Mary Ann Wi...
James Bostock Rees / Sarah A...
William Bowker Wrench / Eliz...
George Thomas Rees / Sarah B...
William Rees / Annie Delaney
William Andrew Mattson / Jan...
Jack Baron / Ivy Hunter
Horace Holt / Susie Georgina...
David Page Pattrick / Mary A...
Arthur Joseph Worfolk / Alic...
James Schofield / Ann Elizab...
Christopher Pickersgill / El...
Henry Hammond / Elizabeth Gr...
William Tickle / Mary Beards...
Richard Eccleston Clayton / ...
Mark Hossell / Alice Maud Sh...
Tom Rawnsley / Julia Ann Joh...
William Mason / Elizabeth Ri...
Frederick Hancock / Elizabet...
James Jackson / Alice Porter
Edward Tolley / Lydia Parkes
Birth Date
Death Date
Christening Date
Burial Date
Marriage Date
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©, v. 13.1.1, written by Darrin Lythgoe 2001-2025.